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Thomas Sydney Cooper

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Thomas Sydney Cooper

Thomas Sidney Cooper entered the Royal Academy schools and in 1827 became a teacher in Brussels and a friend of a Belgium animal painter Verboeckhoven who greatly influenced his style, as did the Dutch School of the 17th century.

In 1831 Thomas Sidney Cooper settled in London and first exhibited at Suffolk Street in 1833. He exhibited 48 pictures at the British institution between 1833-1863. Landscape and cattle- Royal Academy 1833 was shown until 1902, without a break- a record for continuous exhibited at the Academy. Sheep and cattle were his constant subjects although he did paint a few figure subjects.

After about 1870, Thomas Sidney Cooper's commissions were so content and lucrative that he was tempted to yield to facile repetition of his favourite themes

His studio sale at Christies lasted three days, April 12-15 1902.

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