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Gerald Cooper

Read about the artist

Gerald Cooper


Oil on Canvas

Gerald Cooper

A painter of still lives, figure subjects and landscapes, Gerald Cooper led a long and successful career. He was born in West Bromwich and during the First World War he joined the Observer Corps flying barrage balloons over France and Belgium. He later joined the Royal Flying Corps and flew early airplanes.

It was not until the war had ended that Gerald Cooper took up painting and studied first at the West Bromwich School of Art and then at the Royal College of Art, 1920 – 1923. He married the artist Muriel Minter and for much of their lives they lived in Wimbledon. Many of Cooper’s early works were landscapes and farmyard scenes which were on family holidays whilst in the country. Gerald Cooperexhibited a wide range of subjects at the Royal Academy in 1970 and at the New English Art Club.

Gerald Cooper was appointed a member of staff at the Wimbledon School of Art in 1924 and became principle in 1930, a position he held until 1964.

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