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David Cemmick

David Cemmick
Roe Doe Head

David Cemmick
Partridge Over

David Cemmick
Roe Buck Head

David Cemmick

David Cemmick
Pheasant Forward

David Cemmick
Peregrine, Falcon

David Cemmick
B. 1955
Resident in Cumbria, UK
Art is always an abstraction. Formed by the artists hand, each creation a visual response to the observed subject, but it can never be flesh and blood. At best however, it can awaken in the viewer a deeper understanding of what is. Through a life-long study of nature and form, David strives to communicate his deep fascination in the natural world. A distillation of thousands of hours of observation, life drawing, travel and adventure informs his work. He is a watcher of people and animals, a searcher for the beating heart that connects all life.