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Antoine Bouvard Snr

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Antoine Bouvard Snr

Antoine Bouvard Senior was born at St. Jean-de-Bournay in L'Isere in 1870.

He trained as an architect and studied art and architecture under Constant-Dufeus, at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He became the Director of Architectural Services for the Seine, and was responsible for the construction of the Bourse du Travail and the Boulevard Morland in Paris.

Bouvard's paintings show the influence of Felix Ziem, reflecting his love of Venice in the delicacy and fluidity of his use of colour, capturing in his paintings, the warmth and beauty that he found there.

Antoine Bouvard Snr is known to have painted both under his own name and the pseudonym, Marc Aldine.

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